Wednesday 4 November 2009

Day1 of the dog blog

6.45am - i thought I'd get up early today as it was daddy's turn to feed me! woof woof! (laughing in my language)

7am feed time and he's put that bloody pebble in my bowl again! i hate that thing! i cant eat my food fast so i can get on with my day of chewing and biting everyone and everything! i only do it because it gets on their nerves, it's very funny! especially when they jump up and scream!!

7.10am got put outside for a wee and poo! dog i hate this weather! i get cold feet!

oh and I'm 12 weeks old today!!! i wonder if I'll get a walk somewhere special?

7.30 - 9am - play time with daddy! he's so funny! he gets on the floor and covers his head! i didn't know where it went so i had to find it! i wont tell him that i know his game now but it seems to amuse him so I'll keep doing it for now! No sign of mummy yet! it must be her day off!

9.05am - and up i go! up those brown wooden things, then around the corner and there's mummy in what looks like a big square thing with a white thing on top of her! it must be her den! i think i weed on this a few weeks ago! better not do that again, they were not happy!

9.20am - and there she is! all dressed and ready to go out i think, i do hope not! i just want to play!... yes it's play time she's on the floor with my fav toy that black and white thing that squeaks, well i think it's the toy that squeaks, i haven't worked it out yet!

10am - I'm so tired, i think I'll have a nap before my feed at 11!

11am - dog I'm so hungry! where's mummy! ah there she is! OI feed me! .. oh thanks! yummy!

11.15am - play time!!! there's that black and white thing again... oh it's me that makes it squeak! that's boring now!! ... what's that at the end of my bum! i think I'll chase it... no i want that black and white thing again, mummy's sure to play with me.. i love play time... looks like daddy's going out, wont see him for a couple of hours.

11.30am - looks like I'm going out. i wonder where....

12.45pm - well we went to a big field! it was great! but wet! i met a lovely boy called Harvey, he looked the same as my birth mum but a golden colour, he was so funny! we walked and walked and walked! i even went to the toilet there! i didn't get told off so it must be OK to do it on other green things! (just not in the den! I've learnt that now! they don't like it!!!)

1pm - home now and i just cant seem to keep my eye's open... must sleep... Zzz

3pm - that was nice! I'm all refreshed now! ready for my 3pm feed time! dog i love food!!!

3.30pm - i must be tired, i need MORE sleep! off to bed i go, mummy must be going out i don't usually get put on my cage with a treat unless they leave me! night....Zzz

5.30pm - that was a long sleep! i enjoyed that dreaming of my walk and Harvey! yummy there's a lovely smell coming from that room they keep all the food! mummy must be cooking up something nice for me to eat or probably for daddy to eat as he's still not home yet! ... oh i get yellow things when she's in here! they taste nice and are very crunchy! i think she said they were carrots! yummy.

6pm - the last meal of the day! yet they still persist to put that bloody pebble in it! i do hope they stop this nonsense! I'm a Labrador, I EAT FAST!!!!

6.30pm - No I'm still tired, must sleep!

8pm - evening play time! i do love this time, they play with me lots and lots! it's so much fun!

8.30pm - Zzz

9.45pm - play time again! this time both of them are playing! they got on the floor and i jumped all over them! it's so much fun! i do love my mummy and daddy!

10pm - quick i need a wee!!!!!!

22.50pm - time to call it a day... NIGHT NIGHT! ZZZ